
Acupuncture for Healing

Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of needles under the skin at specific points on the body. These points stimulate the central nervous system and immune system, as well as the release of endorphins for pain relief. The process releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain to stimulate the body's natural healing process and promotes emotional balance. Depending on the condition being treated, an electroacupuncture machine may be attached to the needles to induce healing through the addition of electrical frequencies between 20-120 Hz.

Conditions that can be treated with acupuncture include:

Arthritis and mobility problems

Paralysis, spinal cord disease

Palliative care for cancer and degenerative conditions

Immune system problems (allergies, infectious diseases)

Chronic conditions (kidney and liver disease, epilepsy/seizures)

Emotional support for anxiety and phobias

Gastrointestinal conditions

Book an Appointment

Submit the form below to book an acupuncture appointment for your animal. Our specialist will follow up to schedule your appointment time.